Welcome to the Hill Country Area of Narcotics Anonymous website. If you have found this website and have a drug problem, or know someone who does, give yourself a break and take a look around. We have been where you are and have found a way to live drug-free through Narcotics Anonymous. We invite you to take the journey of recovery with us. It took a using addict to show us how to use; it takes a recovering addict to show us how not to use and recover. Just for today, you never have to use again! Recovery is possible in NA. The proof is in our meetings, but you have to get there first. We think you’ll be glad you came; we know we’ll be happy you made it! Just keep coming back!
Just For Today
"I can't, but we can." This simple but profound truth applies initially to our first need as NA members: Together, we can stay clean, but when we isolate ourselves, we're in bad company. To recover, we need the support of other addicts.
Self-sufficiency impedes more than just our ability to stay clean. With or without drugs, living on self-will inevitably leads to disaster. We depend on other people for everything from goods and services to love and companionship, yet self-will puts us in constant conflict with those very people. To live a fulfilling life, we need harmony with others.
Other addicts and others in our communities are not the only ones we depend on. Power is not a human attribute, yet we need power to live. We find it in a Power greater than ourselves which provides the guidance and strength we lack on our own. When we pretend to be self-sufficient, we isolate ourselves from the one source of power sufficient to effectively guide us through life: our Higher Power.
Self-sufficiency doesn't work. We need other addicts; we need other people; and, to live fully, we need a Power greater than our own.